The research developed under PPGAU is developed in research laboratories that bring together professors and students, based on common research interests. The established cooperation is defined through the interlocution of the laboratories or groups of them with national and foreign partners.
In 2017, a joint effort of the LAMEMO, LEDH and LACHA laboratories made possible the participation of PPGAU in the Luso-Brazilian Amazon Research Network, composed of researchers from the Architecture and Urbanism area linked to the Universities of the Brazilian Amazon and researchers from the Universities of Lisbon and Coimbra. In another front, the joint action of the three laboratories signed a partnership with Professor Fernando Luiz Lara (UFMG / University of Austin).
LAMEMO has maintained its partnership with the UFPA Group known as City, Village and Patrimony, which is also part of the group: Representations, imagery and technology (FAU USP), and through it is linked to the Center de Recherches Internationales sur l'imaginaire of Grenoble, France).
LABCAM has participated since 2000 in the “Observatório das Metrópoles”, the oldest INCT / CNPq project in Brazil's urban and regional planning area. In LABCAM, there are also partnerships with other laboratories of the UFPA (GPHS) and institutions with actions directed to the elaboration of municipal director plans and sectorial plans related to urban policies, and evaluation of federal policies and projects. In LABCAM, there are also articulations for the discussion of Urbanization in the contemporary Amazon with researchers from INPE, UFMG and other UFPA graduate programs (PPGD, PPGE, PPGDSTU), and with French and English institutions in the context of projects under development.
New partnerships are under construction with universities in Ecuador and Colombia, with the aim of deepening discussions on the production of the environment built in Pan-Amazon.