There is a tradition of extension activities, already formalized and awarded in some laboratories (LACORE, LAMEMO, LACHA) and not formalized in others (LABCAM), demonstrate the possibilities of applying the research developed under the program in everyday situations. Exhibitions, books, videos, interviews with local broadcasters and UFPA Web Radio have been the most frequent forms of dissemination and popularization of research results or discussion about the quality and performance of buildings or the relevance of constructive technologies.
Also worthy of mention is the aid to production and participation in videos (Urbano TV Futura development series), reports made by local newspapers and within the university community. The production of posters and short films is a strategy of popularization and scientific dissemination to communities away from urban centers (riverside communities).
The program has also been represented with regular participation of a professor in the annual meetings of SBPC - Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science, and has regular participation in academic events that provide annals in open access electronic sites.