Interactions with public sector institutions formalized by means of a partnership allowed the support of non-academic organizations. It is worth noting the inclusion of professor in the Architecture and Urbanism Council in support of the production of opinions and material for discussion (video production from seminar presentation), interlocution with the State Public Prosecutor's Office, and community organizations that research in progress.
The Lab Cities in the Amazon (Labcam) has a history of cooperation with municipalities to elaborate master plans and sectoral plans linked to urban policies.
The Laboratory of Construction Technology (Labtec) has partnered with the Senais Institute of Innovation to evaluate the feasibility of using mining waste as inputs in manufacturing and construction materials. The Laboratories and Research Groups related to the Technology area, involved in the program (Labtec, GVA, Omniwave), advise companies in the construction industry to comply with the acoustic comfort parameters of Performance Standard NBR 15575.
From the researches on Modern Architecture in Belém, Laboratory of Historiography and Architectural Culture - LAHCA develops advisory work in projects of intervention in modern works, for public agencies and private entities, as well as elaboration of document of request of tipping of modern works in Belém, thus contributing to the preservation and conservation of the historical characteristics of these buildings. This action justified the award of the LAHCA, in 2018, by the PROEX Prize for Art and Culture with the project "The Urban Markets in Belém: Places of History that make the City" for the exhibition and dissemination of the history and value of seven public markets in the city.
The Laboratory of Architecture, Conservation, Restoration and Urban Rehabilitation - LACORE supports conservation and restoration processes developed by private entities (civil construction companies, architectural offices) and public agencies, and was therefore considered in 2013 with the Rodrigo Melo Prize Franco de Andrade, in the Material Heritage category: Real Estate and Natural and Cultural Landscapes, with the action "Collection and Cataloging, Hygiene and Assembly of Tile Fragments of the Victor Maria da Silva Residence." This work trajectory conferred the Portuguese Beyond Border Prize to Professor Thaís Sanjad, for the co-authorship of the book “Azulejaria em Belém do Pará” - Inventory - Civil and Religious Architecture – 17th and 20th Centuries. The book was published by the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Patrimony (Iphan), authored by Dora Alcântara, Stella Regina Soares de Brito and Thaís Alessandra Bastos Caminha Sanjad. The award is part of SOS Tile, a European project that was born out of the need to combat the serious depredation of Portuguese tile heritage.