The Architecture and Urbanism Graduate Program counts on professors mainly graduated in the area of architecture and urbanism, but with postgraduate training obtained in other disciplinary fields. Non-Architect Professors come from fields with great affinity with the research lines developed in the program. This characteristic seeks to meet the demand for transdisciplinarity of the built Amazonian space. The research groups and laboratories that feed the lines of research have academic production registered in the form of scientific articles, chapters of books and books, available on pages of the laboratories. This production is also disseminated in the form of lectures and interviews held outside the university environment, and events promoted in the program, but open to the community. This research and extension trajectory developed by the laboratories in the last ten years has yielded local (LAMEMO and LACHA) and national and international (LACORE) awards to the professors.
In addition to the public dissemination of results, researchers have adopted strategies for returning results to communities that were surveyed in the field, in order to contribute to the reduction of social inequalities.
PPGAU has already titled several professionals that are linked to the public sector (such as TRE, CAIXA, PMB, IPHAN) and public and private higher education professors (such as UFOPA, UFT, IFPA, UNIFAP, UFRR, UNAMA, Devry, FAMAZ).
There is a historical tradition of agreements signed between UFPA and other public institutions to develop extension and research activities within the laboratories linked to the program. In this category, they were partners with municipal governments, for the development of executive plans and sector plans (e.g.: sanitation, mobility), some of them with federal funding (Ministry of Cities, Eletronorte, Unifesspa), state (Pará State Government), and (Ford Foundation, Vale Foundation, SENAI). These actions enabled the development of dissertations (funding field research and experiments), and allowed a strong adherence of research to the local reality, with an effective contribution to the state of the art of knowledge in the field of Architecture and Urbanism in the region.
Thanks to this consolidation of knowledge, the program's professors have been called upon to compose scientific committees of regular national events (such as Enanparq, Enanpur, Urbfavela, SIMPGEO, Design, DOCOMOMO) and international (WPSC), of juris (ANPARQ Award (RBEUR, Cadernos Metrópole, Óculum, Mercator, URBE, Landscape and Environment, among others), as reviewers for development agencies (FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq, FINEP).
Some of the professors have experience in the public sector, through commissioned positions and direction in the Municipality of Belém and in the Government of the State of Pará; as well as in private companies and non-governmental organizations. Continuing research for more than twenty years has favored articulation with other regional and national research centers and with the social movement and the appointment of professors as representatives of CAU-BR and CAU-PA. At the end of the decade, partnerships with researchers in other fields of knowledge have enabled the expansion of the scope of research results and the participation of teachers and students in the development of new technologies and methodologies aimed at coping with common problems in the region the territorial governance until the production of materials adapted to the climatic conditions.